On May 31st, 2022, the Department of Agricultural Economics organized the internship for summer semester in the academic year 2021–2022 for students majoring in Agricultural Economics in Tri Ton district, An Giang province. The purposes of the internship is to provide in-depth and practical knowledge so that the students of Agricultural Economics can conduct research in economics and agricultural economics, helping them to understand how to establish production model as well as other activities in agribusiness. In addition, this is also a practical approach to help learners learn about local agricultural development policies, difficulties and challenges in production and business activities of households and businesses in reality.

       Attending this internship, there were 140 students majoring in Agricultural Economics. On the side of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Le Thong – Head of the Department and staffs from the School of Economics guide the internship. On the side of the local government, it was honored to have the participation and guidance of Mr. Cao Quang Liem – Provincial Commissioner, Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of Tri Ton District People’s Committee, Mr. Nguyen Van Van – Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Tri Ton district, and representatives of leaders of Department of Education, Department of Home Affairs and leaders of People’s Committees of O Lam and Le Tri communes of Tri Ton district.

Overview of the conference on agricultural economic policies during the internship at the People’s Committee of Tri Ton District

Delegates attending the conference during the internship at Tri Ton District People’s Committee

       During the conference at the Hall of the People’s Committee of Tri Ton district, the delegation was honored to be warmly welcomed by Mr. Cao Quang Liem and then briefly introduced to the history of the formation and development of Tri Ton district through the periods, current situation, and future development visions.

Mr. Cao Quang Liem – Provincial Commissioner, Secretary of the District Party Committee and Chairman of the People’s Committee of Tri Ton District delivering speech at the Conference 

       During the conference, Mr. Nguyen Van Van – Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural development also provided detailed information about the situation of production, consumption and business in the local agricultural sector, the tendency of the local agricultural economy and related policies in the field of agricultural economics and answer questions related to the field of agricultural economics for students attending the internship.

Mr. Nguyen Van Van – Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development discussing the situation of the local agricultural economy 

       Also on this occasion, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Le Thong – Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics deeply thanked local leaders and authorities for creating extremely favorable conditions for the delegation to visit in Tri Ton district. Assoc. Prof. Thong emphasized that this is also an opportunity to help students find and analyze information in the economic field and forecast problems arising in the agricultural and rural economy in reality.

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Pham Le Thong honored to receive a souvenir from Mr. Cao Quang Liem

Representative of the local government handing over the logo of Tri Ton district to the students attending the conference during the internship

       Thanks to this opportunity, the students majoring in Agricultural Economics showed a good attitude when asking questions to the presenters and clearly showed a sense of good discipline when joining the internship conference.

Students participating in the internship conference asking questions 

       Then, the internship students visited O Thum vineyard combined tourism services. This is a newly developed agricultural economic model in Tri Ton district.

Staff from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development answering questions from students visiting the tourist vineyard model

Students visiting the vineyard combined with tourist services 

       Finally, the delegation visited and observed the agricultural spraying drone. The advantage of this new technology in the agricultural economics is (i) helping to reduce losses in the spraying process, (ii) less dependent on the weather, and (iii) saving time, thereby reducing costs in production. Drone performed by XAG Mekong team. The representative of this team then also answered related questions to help the students learn about Drones and the future Drone market in the field of Agricultural Economy.


The internship group observing the performance of the agriculture spraying drone

       This trip is also an opportunity to help students majoring in Agricultural Economics develop good communication skills with classmates and other people, and gained a variety of experiences and skills. All of this makes this internship successfully.

Photo of the students and School of Economics staffs during the internship

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